Thursday, September 13, 2012

This Ain't No Ordinary Game of Operation

So I may have failed to mention on here that I am having surgery and that surgical procedure is going down not in a few months, days, or weeks but in a few hours!  I honestly feel like I've had my own personal episode of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition minus the adorable Chris Powell and his camera crew.  Well after sixteen months of fully committing myself to health, nutrition, and fitness I will now be getting an abdominoplasty.  What's that you ask? Ya welcome.

I've essentially gotten to my goal weight months ago with the exception of this problem, but getting a procedure that is technically considered cosmetic covered by your insurance company is quite the process.  Back in February I met with my plastic surgeon for an initial consultation, but without much medical backing I knew there wasn't a chance insurance would consider covering this.  Throughout this time I've gone to my chiropractor, general physician, endocrinologist, etc all which found this procedure to be a medical necessity.  With their well-written letters and the persistance of my plastic surgeon (even after it got initially denied) I was approved!  I remember the distinct moment when I found out the surgery got approved.  I was at work and received a call from an unknown number.  It was one of the nurses from my health insurance company who was delighted to tell me that I approved.  I immediately blurted out "Are you serious?!" at least three times, but I obviously had to keep my composure at work so I ran into the bathroom for a minute and literally had the happiest tears fall down my face.  It was truly one of those moments where I felt so unbelievably grateful and lucky to have this opportunity.  Let's face it with all my student loans there was no way I was ever going to be able to pay for this.

Anyways, after filling out a decent amount of paperwork and getting my pre-op tests done I'm all set to go! To be honest, I'm not too concerned about the pain because I know that's to be expected with any sort of medical procedure although an incision essentially from hip to hip will hurt (ouch!)  What gets me most is the fact that I'll have to be resting and lying down for a good chunk of the day during the the first two weeks.  Now I know some people might think that's all  great and relaxing, but it's the opposite for me.  Anyone that knows is well aware of the fact that I can't sit still.  I'm always on the go whether it be spending time with friends/family, traveling, and/or exercising/working out/playing sports.  I have such an active lifestyle that I think it's going to drive me nuts to leisurely watch TV, read, surf the web, etc because I rarely do these things on a regular basis.  I know in the long-run that this surgery will be totally worth it (oh hey low-rise skinny jeans and bikinis).  I plan on fully following the doctor's orders because I want to heal, get better, and get back out to doing the things that I love ASAP.  Let's just hope I can pick up a couple of entertaining hobbies while bed-ridden!

I've spent the week mentally/physically prepping for the surgery.  I did a three-day juice detox, trying to get rid of as many toxins as possible and wein myself off of coffee/caffeine.  I've made sure to take all my vitamins, drank lots of water, worked out as much as possible, and got a good night's sleep (with the exception of tonight).  On my end, I feel confident that I'm going into the surgery in excellent condition, which I'm hoping will make this process whiz on by! Can you tell I'm a little impatient?

I'm off to bed now and very unbelievably excited and nervous for this next chapter in my life! I'm sure I'll be blogging about my experience in the coming days.  Wish me luck :)

Photo from

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