Friday, February 10, 2012

I Couldn’t Pronounce It So I Tossed It!

           Upon embarking on this journey, one of the first challenges I needed to tackle was revamping my kitchen.  I needed to get rid of processed foods, foods with harmful additives, and no nutritional benefits (see photo above).  It was about getting rid of all the junk and only sticking with foods that I needed rather than the foods that I wanted or craved.  Although I knew I had to do it lets just say I was less than thrilled, but it was time to step outside of my comfort zone and adapt new eating habits.
Having an emotional relationship with food, I felt like I was parting with a life-long friend.  It's something that has always been there as a comfort when I stressed, upset, angry, and even just bored.  But unlike a solid, supportive relationship this life-long friend happened to make me feel sick and tired day after day.  True friend huh?  
Throughout this experience I felt like I was living in a moment all-too-familiar with anyone who’s an avid weight-loss television show junky like myself.  You know the moment when the trainer, with a face of utter disgust and disappointment, is practically shoving that loaf of white bread and tub of ice cream in their face yelling ‘What are you thinking?” or “Do you how terrible this is for you?”  I felt like there was an invisible trainer behind me, judging my every decision.   If there was an ounce of guilt I knew it had to go and I had to either cut it out of my diet or find a healthier alternative. 
The night ended with foods containing ingredients like high fructose corn syrup  and bleached enriched white flour, amongst others that are way too long to spell out let alone pronounce, meeting my garbage and then going curbside by morning.

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