I remember a couple years back when I first saw Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size Me (which I'm sure I'll address at a later point) I was shocked to discover that the average American takes roughly 5,000 steps a day. This is only half the amount that is recommended to take on a daily basis. After reading article after article it seems like taking 10,000 steps or approximately 5 miles (depending on your stride) seems to be a good number to strive for to living a healthy lifestyle.
On top of exercising at the gym, I knew that I wanted to reach this goal so alterations in my day to day routine had to be changed. The first thing I did was purchase a pedometer to track my steps. Last April, I was surprised to discover that everyday I was taking just over 4,000 steps a day. Shocked by this extremely low number I became more aware of how much I moved around just as I did with how much water I was consuming. I made minor changes that made major differences. Working in New York City, I began to take brisk walks on my lunch break adding an additional 3,000 or so steps to my daily count. Additionally, I made smaller changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to stores that were within reason instead of taking my car or public transportation.
It's incredible how these changes really increased the amount of walking I did and still do to this day. I used to be the girl that everyone passed on the street because I was so slow and slouchy, but now I'm that power-walker that's zipping by everyone. Walking is a great way to clear your mind, become empowered by doing something for yourself, and of course burn those calories! Over time you'll see you'll be walking faster and with more confidence. I challenge everyone out there to purchase a basic pedometer (you can get one for under $20) and try to take about 10,000 steps a day. Depending on your fitness level, working up to 10,000 over a period of a couple of days, weeks, or months might be your best bet. Walking - it does the body good!
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