Thursday, October 25, 2012

Skispiration On A Fall Day

Commercial with one of my favorite alpine skiers Lindsey Vonn.  Apply the words to your life :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pursuit of Perfection or Happiness?

Last week while driving to work I was listening to the radio and the hosts were having a discussion about certain celebrities' weight fluctuations over the years.  People were calling in, ridiculing and criticizing their appearances because a society we have such an infatuation with the status of celebrities and their to adherence of perfection.  It made me think: as a nation we're getting heavier, but yet we're obsessing over looks and the idea of perfection more than ever.  First things first, no person is flawless so we need to stop setting such unrealistic goals about how we and other people should look.  We're so quick to judge not only others, but ourselves as well.  I'm fully aware that I'm my own worst critic, but I'm working on embracing the flaws that I cannot fix and improving the ones that I can.  As a person who has been overweight most of her life I can say that it's a definitely a mental challenge because although I've made such great steps at becoming in shape and healthy I'm finding myself criticizing myself more than ever.  The second I hit a goal I'm already thinking about a slew of other things I want to achieve or fix.  Proverbial overachiever much?

Then a few days ago I saw a photograph on Facebook taken of a NYU student named Stella Boonshoft. As a self-proclaimed size 12, Boonshoft posed in her underwear as a way to promote body-acceptance and to show all those that tormented and bullied her years prior that she is happy just the way she is.  I found her to be outstandingly brave and courageous, to stand up to criticism so confidently because she fully embraces herself flaws and all.  Listen, I'm not promoting people being overweight and unhealthy by any means I just really appreciate what she stands for.  Inspired, I've begun to re-evaluate my thoughts and to write this blog entry because I've always been miss positivity, but this issue of body acceptance is something I've been struggling with some time now.  In part, I can say that some of my lack acceptance strives from being bullied and made fun of for my weight in my elementary/middle school days and those memories linger on in my subconscious.  Maybe you can relate?  It's created an all-or-nothing mentality that I'm going to kick because I think it's more important to be happy than to be "perfect".   Let's all strive to be more aware of how we think about ourselves because we are all worthy of unconditional self-acceptance while we're on this journey of self-improvement.

Photo Credit: